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Good Times, Bad Times

Good Times, Bad Times


September 2023 - good times, bad times

Another Ominous milestone...

The US National Debt has just surpassed the $33 trillion mark, marking a significant milestone. This translates to nearly $100,000 for each US citizen. What's striking is that the government managed to increase the debt from $32 trillion to $33 trillion in just three months, illustrating a rapid spending of funds that are not currently available.


What does this mean for you, and what steps should you consider taking?


Take responsibility for your finances even if Washington doesn't..

  • Are you saving on a monthly basis?
  • Are you taking advantage of your 401k match?
  • Are you paying down your household debts?
  • What are you spending money on that you shouldn't?

Let's embrace what's within our control. Taking small steps today will pave the way for significant financial victories tomorrow. Make wise decisions, cultivate self-awareness, and invest the time to plan your path. If you need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our team and engage them in our Purpose Built Planning process.


You can reach us at (865) 379-8200 or email us at [email protected].



When the calendar flips from summer to fall, market sentiment and stock prices often echo a back-to-business mood. Portfolio managers look towards year end with an eye to their own personal balance sheets because their compensation is tied to their stock picks. If they bank a good year, they will reap the harvest of their labor (or luck as the case may be). If you were sitting on a 200% increase in a stock after 8 months (like NVDA), what would you be thinking about?

Positioned at the end of summer and the end of the third quarter, September tends to be a pivotal month for stocks. Portfolio managers like to clean up their investment holdings before quarterly reports go out to fund investors in October. Last September the Dow dropped 8.8%. Since 1950...


>Click here to finish reading


Hoy Grimm
Managing Partner
LeConte Wealth Management


Estate planning is a topic often associated with older wealthy adults, but it is a crucial task for individuals in their 40s and 50s. At this stage in life, you likely have more assets and responsibilities, making estate planning even more important. Let us delve into why estate planning matters for Gen Xers and what key steps you should consider.


>Click here to read why it matters and key steps to take

Kevin Painter

Managing Partner
LeConte Wealth Management

Recently published on financial friction

 >It's the 3rd Quarter - Let's finish Strong


Jon Dockery
Managing Partner
LeConte Wealth Management


 >Mindset Shifts


Wes McNeillie
Tax and Planning Specialist
LeConte Wealth Management

Economy in focus

The data: 

  • The Fed paused rate hikes in September, they accelerated balance sheet unwind.
  • Top 10 S&P 500 holdings make up greater than 30% of the index.
  • 32% of builders reported cutting home prices, up from 25% in August.


While the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) foresees one more rate hike before year-end, it's worth noting that the Quantitative Tightening (QT) process has led to an increase in longer-term rates. Currently, mortgage rates are hovering at approximately 7.75%.


You may have come across headlines suggesting that the market has outperformed cash this year. However, this can be misleading. Specifically, seven stocks have outperformed cash, but when considering the broader market, it has actually underperformed cash. This presents both a risk and an opportunity. If your portfolio is overweighted in stocks that have performed well, it may be prudent to contemplate rebalancing toward assets that have underperformed in pursuit of value.


While the leading 7 S&P 500 stocks have achieved remarkable year-to-date returns of over 50%, it prompts curiosity about how the remaining 493 stocks have fared. The chart below demonstrates that these remaining stocks have exhibited relatively stagnant performance year-to-date.

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Advisory services offered through LeConte Wealth Management, LLC. an SEC registered investment adviser.