Will your investments be ready to retire when you are? As one approaches retirement, objectives shift from building to accessing wealth. These clients have typically done a good job of building their retirement nest egg, but are unsure how it’s going to fly when they push it out of the nest.
What does pre-retirement planning address?
This is where it all comes together. We develop a five year plan for income sources showing how much you’ll need to access from your investments, and which accounts to withdraw from.
Our goal is not only for your investments to be tax efficient, but also to develop strategies that will minimize income taxes during retirement. This involves identifying sources of income in your portfolio, and planning ahead to control their tax ramifications.
The retirement projections help us determine what investment returns will be necessary to achieve your retirement goal. We can then design a customized allocation with three objectives,
1) to build enough savings to
2) generate sustainable retirement income by
3) taking as little investment risk as possible.
The result is a specific plan for how your portfolio should be allocated now and when you retire. Whether accounts are held at our firm, or externally as with employer sponsored retirement plans, our approach is comprehensive and highly refined to optimize risk adjusted return at the portfolio, allocation, and holding level.
Through some sophisticated number crunching, we help you develop realistic scenarios for retirement income. We use prudently conservative assumptions about factors like Social Security, inflation, and investment performance.
Where do you stand financially? This financial “inventory” takes stock of all of your resources, opportunities, and risks to get an idea of what you’ll have to work with in progressing toward retirement.
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