Tell me about

Purpose Built

Dictionary Definition -

1: Something set up as an object or end to be attained.
2: A subject under discussion or an action in course of execution.
We organize your financial assets to help you define and achieve your future goals.
Your Full Picture
Purpose Built Planning technology connects all of your assets together, regardless of where they are.
Funding Your Dreams
When you move from accumulating assets to spending them, we have the tools to make it last.
Accumulation Strategies
We advise clients with practical, proven strategies to grow their net worth.
Fiduciary Care
LeConte advisers are held to a high legal standard that puts your best interests ahead of ours.
We engineer investment portfolios around your unique risk needs and concerns.
Let Tomorrow Begin Today

Purpose Built Planning
Tax Integration

Our tax expertise is an essential benefit of Purpose Built Planning. As we develop a plan to pursue your financial goals, we incorporate tax saving strategies into your financial road map. We map detours around the tax potholes that drain your resources.

What keeps you up at night? Are you going to outlive your resources? When can you afford to retire? Let us help with these questions.

    Risk Analysis

    Risk Analysis

    We measure your market risk and constantly monitor it so that you aren't blindsided.
    Wealth Accumulation

    Wealth Accumulation

    We provide an optimized accumulation plan for your household.
    Retirement Income Plan

    Retirement Income Plan

    We develop income plans for your retirement years so you can live your life.
    Tax Preparation & Filing

    Tax Preparation & Filing

    Taxes can be a significant burden for the unprepared. We consult to minimize your taxes as you work to accumulate assets and after you retire.
    LeConte Wealth ManagementHeadquarters
    We have an open door policy. Give us a visit.

    4th Floor
    333 East Broadway Avenue,
    Maryville, TN 37804
    Get in touchLeConte Social links
    We participate in the online community. Connect with us.

    Copyright 2025 LeConte Wealth Management LLC. All rights reserved.

    Advisory Services offered through LeConte Wealth Management, LLC., An SEC Registered Investment Adviser.