He’s Making a List

September 9, 2022by Kevin Painter

It’s only September, but it’s a matter of time before we see Christmas wreaths and wrapping paper for sale in our local stores. My daughter mentioned to me the other day what she wanted for Christmas. It’s difficult for me to think about candy canes and gingerbread when it’s 90 degrees outside, but I made a mental note of her request.

I then began to think about the many things that I must get accomplished before Christmas and the things that I have procrastinated and not yet completed in 2022. There are more things to do than I would have imagined, and it gave me some heartburn. Almost like one feels when they’ve had too much eggnog. I made a list (checked it twice) and began making progress on completing those tasks.

I’ve always been a list maker. Whether on a yellow pad or post-it notes, having a “to-do” list of daily, weekly, or even annual tasks has been a beacon for my professional and personal productivity. In his article “Here’s Why We Should Make More Lists” Mehak Anwar shares five reasons why list making is so important.

  • Making Lists can alleviate anxiety
  • It fosters creativity
  • It will boost your memory
  • Crossing something off a to-do list feels. So. Good.
  • You can use them to celebrate accomplishments.

I can attest that all the above holds true, especially the fourth one. There is a sense of satisfaction (or relief) in finishing those daunting tasks that are on my list. So don’t be overwhelmed when you hear Christmas carols or see holiday lights in your neighbor’s yard. Make your list, check it twice and make progress. Merry (almost) Christmas.

Kevin Painter

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