The Challenge of Something New

June 9, 2023by Jon Dockery

As we roll toward Summer, I’m sure a lot of our lives are changing to the more relaxed time of no school and more vacations. However, this Summer is different for one of my kids. We’ve usually been consumed with baseball tournaments and everything sports, but for a few months he’s taking a break and working his first job. I kind of knew this would be different for him, but the reality has been interesting to observe.

His life has been fairly carefree to this point with school and sports being most of his daily grind. He’s a smart kid, so school success comes with little effort or time dedicated to studies. In the same manner, sport’s success has come from a lot of natural talent and the time dedicated to practice seemed more like fun than an obligation. That made me wonder how a job would fit into his little perfect world. As expected, it only took a few days before the initial complaints started. The new experience of a job and hard work had taken its toll on him.

It can be challenging to do things you’ve never done before for several reasons:

  1. Lack of Experience: When you’re doing something for the first time, you lack familiarity with the task, or the skills required to do it correctly.
  2. Fear of Failure: Trying something new often involves stepping outside of your comfort zone. This can create uncertainty and a fear of failure, as you may be unsure of the outcome or worry about making mistakes.
  3. Resist Change: It seems we are wired to resist change and prefer the familiar. This resistance can lead to procrastination, self-doubt, or a lack of motivation, making it harder to take the necessary actions.
  4. Tracking Success: Without prior experience or reference points, it can be challenging to measure success. You likely won’t know what the result should look like or what goals to strive for along the way.
  5. Lack of Knowledge: Some new tasks can be complex and overwhelming, requiring you to learn multiple new skills. We often avoid things we don’t understand.
  6. Lack of a Mentor: A mentor can be one of the most valuable pieces of success by providing guidance and advice to set goals and overcome challenges.

However, after only a couple of weeks, my son has adjusted to the work grind and has even found some people at the job to serve in a mentor role. Despite the initial difficulties, it’s important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. With dedication, practice, and some want to, you can overcome the challenges of doing things you’ve never done before. Embrace the process, seek guidance when possible, and be patient as you navigate unfamiliar territory. If we can assist you in getting started with saving or becoming more focused on the future, we would appreciate the opportunity to help you start something new.

Jon Dockery

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